Illumina’s NovaSeq Platform, the $100 Human Genome & Moore’s Law: is it Good Business?

At the JP Morgan Conference on Monday, Illumina took the opportunity showcase its new DNA sequencers, the NovaSeq 5000 and NovaSeq 6000, promising that by the end of the year

Evolution Infographic: The Rise & Diversification of Biologics

For our latest Data Visualisation project, the Evolution Global Team analysed historical new drug approval statistics and the current clinical trials pipeline to identify trends that highlight the rise and

Thermo Fisher and Illumina Prepare for Round Two of the Next-Gen Sequencing Battle

Earlier this month Thermo Fisher Scientific announced the launch of two novel next-generation sequencing (NGS) instruments, the Ion S5 and the Ion S5 XL benchtop systems, which combine the ability

Genentech and Regeneron win Thomson Reuters Allicense Awards for Top BioPharma Deals of the Year

The Intellectual Property and Science business of Thomson Reuters recently honoured Genentech Partnering and Seragon, and Regeneron and Avalanche with the Allicense 2015 Breakthrough Award for Deals of the Year.


Roche delivers solid sales growth for the first nine months of 2014 Group sales up 5% at CER1, stable in Swiss francs 4% higher sales in Pharmaceuticals Division, with strong
